Bioaccell Inc.

We are based at the Kyoto University Katsura Venture Plaza and provide regenerative cell therapy based on advanced and high-safety cultivation techniques.

Our Service

Introducing the business development of BIOACCELL Inc.

Advanced Medical Technology Development

Medical Institution Support

We provide processed cells with high technology and safety.

Inspection of cultured cells

Dissemination of accurate knowledge about cancer

Respect the patient's voice

Message from the President

Immune cell therapy such as activated autologous lymphocyte therapy has been receiving increasing recognition over the course of last decade, playing a vital role in the fields of cancer treatments.

The direction of cancer treatments is heading towards where it should be – where patients and cancer coexist. Coexistence of patients and cancer means achieving patients’ long-term immutability of cancer while sustaining high quality of lives.

This is what many patients have been prolonging for.

Many are also aware that immune cell therapy, which utilizes their own immune systems, is the key to their long-term immutability of cancer.

Introduction of affiliated medical institutions

Introducing hospitals that use our technology.

Nakamura Digestive Clinic

RIKEN Immune Regenertive Medicene

Sakurazaka Clinic

IGT Clinic


Introducing books published by Shigeru Hirabayashi, CEO of BIOACCELL Inc.