Message from the President

Immune cell therapy such as activated autologous lymphocyte therapy has been receiving increasing recognition over the course of last decade, playing a vital role in the fields of cancer treatments.

The direction of cancer treatments is heading towards where it should be – where patients and cancer coexist. Coexistence of patients and cancer means achieving patients’ long-term immutability of cancer while sustaining high quality of lives.

This is what many patients have been prolonging for.

Many are also aware that immune cell therapy, which utilizes their own immune systems, is the key to their long-term immutability of cancer.

The fact that newly developed medicines for cancer are based on the immune system supports the theory that the immune cell therapy is absolutely essential for today’s cancer treatments.

Japan is one of the leading countries that possess technologies for culturing and processing immune cells.

Furthermore, Japan has been, to date, the only country for conducting a large number of clinical studies for immune cell therapy.

BIOACCELL developed a business model that enabled us to use our technology and clinical achievements to the world.

Our business model is derived from the biggest business trend and is expected to expand rapidly.

Along with the iPS cells, which are drawing the world’s attention as the next generation’s leading bio-technology development project, culture and process of immune cells have been newly classified as the class 3 regenerative medicine by Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Tumor immunology is progressing remarkably and we believe that it is our mission to offer our new technology to general public as well as to medical front line.

Shigeru Hirabayashi


Bioaccell Inc.

Head Office

#301 Kyodaikatura Venture plaza,
1-36, Gryo Ohara, Nishikyo-ku,
Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 615-8245, Japan

Phone: +81 75 394 6410
Fax: +81 75 394 6411

Tokyo Office

BAC HOUSE 4-19-3,
Tokyo 150-0013, Japan

Phone: +81 3 5475 6430
Fax: +81 35421 3433

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